
Prof. Dr. Alexander Egyed is a Full Professor at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Austria and the Chair for Software-Intensive Systems. He heads the Institute of Software Systems Engineering (ISSE), a software technology center with over 20 researchers and developers. Before joining the JKU, Dr. Egyed worked as a Research Scientist for Teknowledge Corporation, USA (2000-2007) and then as a Research Fellow at the University College London, UK (2007-2008). Dr. Egyed received a Doctorate degree in 2000 and a Master of Science degree in 1996, both in Computer Science, from the University of Southern California, USA under the mentorship of Dr. Barry Boehm. His research interests are diverse and broadly center around software system design and modeling, variability management, requirements engineering, consistency checking and resolution, traceability, and change impact analysis. He is a member of ACM, ACM SigSoft, IEEE, and IEEE Computer Society.
In terms of publications, he is the author of over a hundred refereed scientific book, journals, conferences, and workshop contributions, with over 3700 citations. His publications pretty much cover all top-tier conferences and journals. He was recognized among the Top 1% publishing scholars in software engineering twice: 1) by Communications of the ACM magazine and 2) by Springer Scientometrics; and among the Top 1% cited scholars. In addition to best scholar recognitions, Dr. Egyed was also named an IBM Research Faculty Fellow in recognition to his contributions to consistency checking, received a Recognition of Service Award from the IEEE and ACM, Best Paper Awards from COMPSAC and WICSA, and an Outstanding Achievement Award from the USC. He has given many invited talks including four keynotes, served on scientific panels, countless program committees, and served as a program (co-) chair for ASE 2007, MoDELS 2015, and FASE 2015. Presently, he is an associate editor/editorial board member for journals (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Springer Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), Central European Journal of Computer Science (CEJCS), and International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI)). Furthermore, he is a steering committee member for the Automated Software Engineering (ASE) conference series, the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) series, and the Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS) conference series - arguably three of the most significant conferences in software engineering.
Dr. Egyed has a strong track record for working on software-intensive systems in interdisciplinary domains with seven years of industrial experience. Most notably are He worked with the Northrop Grumman Company, Sarnoff, and Honeywell on integrating and testing a system that autonomously controls teams of unmanned vehicles. He also worked with the Boeing Company on defining and integrating product-line architectures for avionics systems. And, he helped the Mitre Corporation in the development and evaluation of collaborative agents for target detection and tracking in sensor grids. Since 2007, Dr. Egyed is working in academia. He became a full professor (W3 equivalent) in 2008 in order to explore better ways of educating the next generation of software engineers and to focus on building and integrating better engineering tools. His work is supported by research grants from Austria, Canada, European Union, UK, and USA – covering both academia and industry. About half of the funding comes from basic research grants (e.g., FWF) and the rest came from applied research grants from companies such as ACCM, Compuware, IBM, KEBA, SCCH, Siemens VAI, and Trumpf.
Office Location:
Johannes Kepler University
Altenbergerstr. 69
4040 Linz
Room INF-246-2 in the Computer Science Building (INF) at the Science Park