Separating architectural concerns to ease program understanding.

by Vladimir Jakobac, Nenad Medvidovic, Alexander Egyed
This paper presents an iterative, user-guided approach to program understanding based on a framework for analyzing and visualizing software systems. The framework is built around a pluggable and extensible set of clues about a given problem domain, execution environment, and/or programming language. The approach leverages two orthogonal architectural views of a system and describes how a proper identification of boundaries for separate concerns helps in reasoning about the system.
Vladimir Jakobac, Nenad Medvidovic, Alexander Egyed, "Separating architectural concerns to ease program understanding.", In ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1-5, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Separating architectural concerns to ease program understanding.},
  Author                   = {Vladimir Jakobac and Nenad Medvidovic and Alexander Egyed},
  Journal                  = {ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes},
  Year                     = {2005},
  Number                   = {4},
  Pages                    = {1-5},
  Volume                   = {30},

  Abstract                 = {This paper presents an iterative, user-guided approach to program understanding based on a framework for analyzing and visualizing software systems. The framework is built around a pluggable and extensible set of clues about a given problem domain, execution environment, and/or programming language. The approach leverages two orthogonal architectural views of a system and describes how a proper identification of boundaries for separate concerns helps in reasoning about the system.},
  Doi                      = {10.1145/1082983.1083132},
  File                     = {Separating architectural concerns to ease program understanding:Workshops\\MACS 2005 - ARTISAn Separating Architectural Concerns to Ease Program Understanding\\MACS2005CameraReady.pdf:PDF},
  Keywords                 = {reverseengineering}
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