C2O configurator: a tool for guided decision-making.

by Alexander Nöhrer, Alexander Egyed
Decision models are widely used in software engineering to describe and restrict decision-making (e.g., deriving a product from a product-line). Since decisions are typically interdependent, it is often neither obvious which decisions have the most significant impact nor which decisions might ultimately conflict. Unfortunately, the current state-of-the-art provides little support for dealing with such situations. On the one hand, some conflicts can be avoided by providing more freedom in which order decisions are made (i.e., most important decisions first). On the other hand, conflicts are unavoidable at times, and living with conflicts may be preferable over forcing the user to fix them right away—particularly because fixing conflicts becomes easier as more is known about a user’s intentions. This paper introduces the C2O (Configurator 2.0) tool for guided decision-making. The tool allows the user to answer questions in an arbitrary order—with and without the presence of inconsistencies. While giving users those freedoms, it still supports and guides them by (i) rearranging the order of questions according to their potential to minimize user input, (ii) providing guidance to avoid follow-on conflicts, and (iii) supporting users in fixing conflicts at a later time.
Alexander Nöhrer, Alexander Egyed, "C2O configurator: a tool for guided decision-making.", In Journal of Automated Software Engineering (JASE), vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 265-296, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {C2O configurator: a tool for guided decision-making.},
  Author                   = {Alexander Nöhrer and Alexander Egyed},
  Journal                  = {Journal of Automated Software Engineering (JASE)},
  Year                     = {2013},
  Number                   = {2},
  Pages                    = {265-296},
  Volume                   = {20},

  Abstract                 = {Decision models are widely used in software engineering to describe and restrict decision-making (e.g., deriving a product from a product-line). Since decisions are typically interdependent, it is often neither obvious which decisions have the most significant impact nor which decisions might ultimately conflict. Unfortunately, the current state-of-the-art provides little support for dealing with such situations. On the one hand, some conflicts can be avoided by providing more freedom in which order decisions are made (i.e., most important decisions first). On the other hand, conflicts are unavoidable at times, and living with conflicts may be preferable over forcing the user to fix them right away—particularly because fixing conflicts becomes easier as more is known about a user’s intentions. This paper introduces the C2O (Configurator 2.0) tool for guided decision-making. The tool allows the user to answer questions in an arbitrary order—with and without the presence of inconsistencies. While giving users those freedoms, it still supports and guides them by (i) rearranging the order of questions according to their potential to minimize user input, (ii) providing guidance to avoid follow-on conflicts, and (iii) supporting users in fixing conflicts at a later time.},
  Doi                      = {10.1007/s10515-012-0117-4},
  File                     = {C2O configurator - a tool for guided decision-making:Journals\\JASE 2013 - C2O configurator - a tool for guided decision-making\\C2O configurator - a tool for guided decision-making.pdf:PDF},
  Keywords                 = {FWF P23115-N23, ACCM, variability},
  Paper                    = {Publications/Journals/JASE 2013 - C2O configurator - a tool for guided decision-making/C2O configurator - a tool for guided decision-making.pdf}
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