Managing SAT inconsistencies with HUMUS.

by Alexander Nöhrer, Armin Biere, Alexander Egyed
In Product Line Engineering, as in any other modeling domain, designers and end users are prone to making inconsistent assumptions (errors) because of complexity and lack of system knowledge. We previously envisioned a way of allowing inconsistencies during product configuration and in this paper we present a solution on how to realize this vision. We introduce HUMUS (High-level Union of Minimal Unsatisfiable Sets), which enables correct reasoning in product line engineering (encoded in SAT) despite the presence of errors. We focus mainly on tolerating inconsistencies during product configuration, to make it possible to resolve inconsistencies later without misguiding the human user along the way. We also provide a discussion of other applications in product line engineering and beyond. The main advantage of using HUMUS is, that it is possible to isolate erroneous parts of a product line model such that existing automations continue to be useful. The applications of HUMUS are thus likely beyond product line engineering.
Alexander Nöhrer, Armin Biere, Alexander Egyed, "Managing SAT inconsistencies with HUMUS.", pp. 83-91, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Managing SAT inconsistencies with HUMUS.},
  Author                   = {Alexander Nöhrer and Armin Biere and Alexander Egyed},
  Booktitle                = {5th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VAMOS), Leipzig, Germany},
  Year                     = {2012},

  Abstract                 = {In Product Line Engineering, as in any other modeling domain, designers and end users are prone to making inconsistent assumptions (errors) because of complexity and lack of system knowledge. We previously envisioned a way of allowing inconsistencies during product configuration and in this paper we present a solution on how to realize this vision. We introduce HUMUS (High-level Union of Minimal Unsatisfiable Sets), which enables correct reasoning in product line engineering (encoded in SAT) despite the presence of errors. We focus mainly on tolerating inconsistencies during product configuration, to make it possible to resolve inconsistencies later without misguiding the human user along the way. We also provide a discussion of other applications in product line engineering and beyond. The main advantage of using HUMUS is, that it is possible to isolate erroneous parts of a product line model such that existing automations continue to be useful. The applications of HUMUS are thus likely beyond product line engineering.},
  Pages                    = {83-91},

  Doi                      = {10.1145/2110147.2110157},
  File                     = {Managing SAT Inconsistencies with HUMUS:Workshops\\VAMOS 2012 - Managing SAT Inconsistencies with HUMUS\\Managing SAT Inconsistencies with HUMUS.pdf:PDF},
  Keywords                 = {variability, FWF P21321-N15}
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