Reconciling requirements and architectures with the CBSP approach in an iPhone app project.

by Harald Vogl, Klaus Lehner, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed
There are only few methods available that help refining software requirements to software architectures. An example is the CBSP (Component-Bus-System-Property) approach that uses general architectural concerns to classify and refine requirements and to capture architectural trade-off issues and options. This paper reports about experiences of applying CBSP in an industrial project in the area of mobile applications. We illustrate CBSP using project examples. We discuss how the approach was tailored and present extensions we developed. In particular, we show how CBSP can be used together with the Goal-Question-Metric approach to guide architectural decisions. We close our paper with a discussion of lessons learned during this project.
Harald Vogl, Klaus Lehner, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed, "Reconciling requirements and architectures with the CBSP approach in an iPhone app project.", IEEE Computer Society, Trento, Italy, pp. 273-278, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Reconciling requirements and architectures with the CBSP approach in an iPhone app project.},
  Author                   = {Harald Vogl and Klaus Lehner and Paul Grünbacher and Alexander Egyed},
  Booktitle                = {19th International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE), Industrial Track, Trento, Italy},
  Year                     = {2011},

  Address                  = {Trento, Italy},
  Pages                    = {273-278},
  Publisher                = {IEEE Computer Society},

  Abstract                 = {There are only few methods available that help refining software requirements to software architectures. An example is the CBSP (Component-Bus-System-Property) approach that uses general architectural concerns to classify and refine requirements and to capture architectural trade-off issues and options. This paper reports about experiences of applying CBSP in an industrial project in the area of mobile applications. We illustrate CBSP using project examples. We discuss how the approach was tailored and present extensions we developed. In particular, we show how CBSP can be used together with the Goal-Question-Metric approach to guide architectural decisions. We close our paper with a discussion of lessons learned during this project.},
  Date                     = {August 29-September 2},
  Doi                      = {10.1109/RE.2011.6051625},
  File                     = {Reconciling Requirements and Architectures with the CBSP Approach in an iPhone App Project:Conferences\\RE 2011 - Reconciling Requirements and Architectures with the CBSP Approach in an iPhone App Project\\Reconciling Requirements and Architectures with the CBSP Approach in an iPhone App Project.pdf:PDF},
  ISBN                     = {978-1-4577-0923-4},
  Keywords                 = {requirements, architecture},
  Owner                    = {paul},
  Timestamp                = {2015.09.12}
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