Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation.
by Andreas Demuth, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed
In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), metamodels and domain-specific languages are key artifacts as they are used to define syntax and semantics of domain models. However, metamodels are evolving over time, requiring existing domain models to be co-evolved. Though approaches have been proposed for performing such co-evolution automatically, those approaches typically support only specific metamodel changes. In this paper, we present a vision of co-evolution between metamodels and models through consistent change propagation. The approach addressed co-evolution issues without being limited to specific metamodels or evolution scenarios. It relies on incremental management of metamodel-based constraints that are used to detect co-evolution failures (i.e., inconsistencies between metamodel and model). After failure detection, the approach automatically generates suggestions for correction (i.e., repairs for inconsistencies). Preliminary validation results are promising as they indicate that the approach computes correct suggestions for model adaptations, and that it scales and can be applied live without interrupting tool users.
Andreas Demuth, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed, "Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation.", pp. 14-21, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
@Workshop{DBLP:conf/models/DemuthLE13a, Title = {Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation.}, Author = {Andreas Demuth and Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon and Alexander Egyed}, Booktitle = {International Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME), Valencia, Spain}, Year = {2013}, Abstract = {In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), metamodels and domain-specific languages are key artifacts as they are used to define syntax and semantics of domain models. However, metamodels are evolving over time, requiring existing domain models to be co-evolved. Though approaches have been proposed for performing such co-evolution automatically, those approaches typically support only specific metamodel changes. In this paper, we present a vision of co-evolution between metamodels and models through consistent change propagation. The approach addressed co-evolution issues without being limited to specific metamodels or evolution scenarios. It relies on incremental management of metamodel-based constraints that are used to detect co-evolution failures (i.e., inconsistencies between metamodel and model). After failure detection, the approach automatically generates suggestions for correction (i.e., repairs for inconsistencies). Preliminary validation results are promising as they indicate that the approach computes correct suggestions for model adaptations, and that it scales and can be applied live without interrupting tool users.}, Pages = {14-21}, File = {Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation:Workshops\\ME 2013 - Co-Evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation\\Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {evolution, consistency, FWF P25289-N15}, Url = {} }
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