Automatically Detecting Mismatches During Component-based and Model-based Development.

by Alexander Egyed, Cristina Gacek
A major emphasis in software development is placed on identifying and reconciling architectural and design mismatches. Those mismatches happen during software development on two levels: while composing system components (e.g. COTS or in-house developed) and while reconciling view perspectives. Composing components into a system and ’composing’ views (e.g. diagrams) into a system model are often seen as being somewhat distinct aspects of software development, however, as this work shows, their approaches in detecting mismatches complement each other very well. In both cases, the composition process may result in mismatches that are caused by clashes between development artefacts. Our component-based integration approach is more high-level and can be used early on for risk assessment while little information is available. Model-based integration, on the other hand needs more information to start with but is more precise and can handle large amounts of redundant information. This paper describes both integration approaches and discusses their commonalties and differences. Both integration approaches are automateable and some tools support is already available.
Alexander Egyed, Cristina Gacek, "Automatically Detecting Mismatches During Component-based and Model-based Development.", pp. 191-198, 1999.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Automatically Detecting Mismatches During Component-based and Model-based Development.},
  Author                   = {Alexander Egyed and Cristina Gacek},
  Booktitle                = {14th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Cocoa Beach, Florida},
  Year                     = {1999},
  Pages                    = {191-198},

  Abstract                 = {A major emphasis in software development is placed on identifying and reconciling architectural and design mismatches. Those mismatches happen during software development on two levels: while composing system components (e.g. COTS or in-house developed) and while reconciling view perspectives. Composing components into a system and ’composing’ views (e.g. diagrams) into a system model are often seen as being somewhat distinct aspects of software development, however, as this work shows, their approaches in detecting mismatches complement each other very well. In both cases, the composition process may result in mismatches that are caused by clashes between development artefacts. Our component-based integration approach is more high-level and can be used early on for risk assessment while little information is available. Model-based integration, on the other hand needs more information to start with but is more precise and can handle large amounts of redundant information. This paper describes both integration approaches and discusses their commonalties and differences. Both integration approaches are automateable and some tools support is already available.},
  File                     = {Automatically Detecting Mismatches during Component-Based and Model-Based Development:Conferences\\ASE 1999 - Automatically Detecting Mismatches during Component-Based and Model-Based Development\\Automatically Detecting Mismatches during Component-Based and Model-Based Development.pdf:PDF},
  Keywords                 = {components},
  Url                      = {}
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