Understanding the Relationship of Information in Mechatronic Design Modeling.

by Peter Hehenberger, Alexander Egyed, Klaus Zeman
Understand the information flow during engineering processes of mechatronic systems is an important point for competitive mechatronic engineering. The paper gives an overview about product models used in mechatronic design and analyzes also the flow of information through tools. Furthermore, there is also the need for considering model consistency because if objects and models are independently created and maintained by the various disciplines then correctness is no longer guaranteed. The same is true for objects or models that are transferred from one discipline to another, from one abstraction level to another, or from one design phase to the next one – if such objects or models are subsequently modified on both ends just as proposed in simultaneous engineering.
Peter Hehenberger, Alexander Egyed, Klaus Zeman, "Understanding the Relationship of Information in Mechatronic Design Modeling.", pp. 113-120, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Understanding the Relationship of Information in Mechatronic Design Modeling.},
  Author                   = {Peter Hehenberger and Alexander Egyed and Klaus Zeman},
  Booktitle                = {13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST), Las Palmas, Spain},
  Year                     = {2011},
  Pages                    = {113-120},

  Abstract                 = {Understand the information flow during engineering processes of mechatronic systems is an important point for competitive mechatronic engineering. The paper gives an overview about product models used in mechatronic design and analyzes also the flow of information through tools. Furthermore, there is also the need for considering model consistency because if objects and models are independently created and maintained by the various disciplines then correctness is no longer guaranteed. The same is true for objects or models that are transferred from one discipline to another, from one abstraction level to another, or from one design phase to the next one – if such objects or models are subsequently modified on both ends just as proposed in simultaneous engineering.},
  Doi                      = {10.1007/978-3-642-27579-1_15},
  File                     = {Understanding the Relationship of Information in Mechatronic Design Modeling:Conferences\\EUROCAST 2011 - Understanding when Information came from in the Mechatronical Design Process\\Understanding the Relationship of Information in Mechatronic Design Modeling.pdf:PDF},
  Keywords                 = {mechatronics, change, ACCM, FWF P21321-N15}
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