Inconsistencies in Decision Modeling (bibtex)
by Alexander Nöhrer
Inconsistencies are a fact of life in software engineering. As a consequence, dealing and managing inconsistencies plays an important role in software engineering. However, while in some software engineering domains there exists support for living with inconsistencies, in the domain of decision-making they usually are disallowed - either by preventing them or requiring them to be fixed right away. This stems mainly from the fact that common reasoning engines used in the decision-making domain do not handle inconsistencies well out of the box, in fact most of them fail to produce usable output after an inconsistency has been discovered. This thesis tackles the problem of managing and dealing with inconsistencies during decision-making. It presents two approaches, one that helps preventing inconsistencies by giving decision makers the maximum amount of freedom possible, while still providing meaningful guidance to reach one goals faster. The other approach presents different reasoning strategies for living with inconsistencies during decision-making, where one strategy in particular is very promising because it ensures that decision making automations remain working correctly even after an inconsistency is encountered (at the expense of completeness). While the focus of this thesis is primarily on the technologies - behind the curtains, it will also present one possibility of how to use and visualize these technologies in a prototype tool. Several evaluation scenarios will provide insight into the effectiveness of our approaches and their respective costs. It will show that our guidance calculation with respect to minimizing user input is nearly optimal and fast enough to be used interactively. It will also show that the cost of living with inconsistencies is acceptable, the level of incompleteness is reasonable and that living with inconsistencies can even have a positive impact on resolving inconsistencies. The key contributions of this thesis are: i) A unique perspective on the problems currently encountered during decision-making involving inconsistencies; ii) An approach that allows correct reasoning with SAT-Solvers in the presence of inconsistencies and automations to continue working without any adaptions; iii) An approach on how to determine the shortest path through a series of related decisions; iv) A basis for further research in general modeling scenarios; v) An extensive evaluation of the different aspects and techniques used in our approach.
Inconsistencies in Decision Modeling (Alexander Nöhrer), PhD thesis, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Alexander Nöhrer},
  title = {Inconsistencies in Decision Modeling},
  school = {Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria},
  year = {2012},
  abstract = {Inconsistencies are a fact of life in software engineering. As a consequence,
	dealing and managing inconsistencies plays an important role in software
	engineering. However, while in some software engineering domains
	there exists support for living with inconsistencies, in the domain
	of decision-making they usually are disallowed - either by preventing
	them or requiring them to be fixed right away. This stems mainly
	from the fact that common reasoning engines used in the decision-making
	domain do not handle inconsistencies well out of the box, in fact
	most of them fail to produce usable output after an inconsistency
	has been discovered. This thesis tackles the problem of managing
	and dealing with inconsistencies during decision-making. It presents
	two approaches, one that helps preventing inconsistencies by giving
	decision makers the maximum amount of freedom possible, while still
	providing meaningful guidance to reach one goals faster. The
	other approach presents different reasoning strategies for living
	with inconsistencies during decision-making, where one strategy in
	particular is very promising because it ensures that decision making
	automations remain working correctly even after an inconsistency
	is encountered (at the expense of completeness). While the focus
	of this thesis is primarily on the technologies - behind the curtains,
	it will also present one possibility of how to use and visualize
	these technologies in a prototype tool. Several evaluation scenarios
	will provide insight into the effectiveness of our approaches and
	their respective costs. It will show that our guidance calculation
	with respect to minimizing user input is nearly optimal and fast
	enough to be used interactively. It will also show that the cost
	of living with inconsistencies is acceptable, the level of incompleteness
	is reasonable and that living with inconsistencies can even have
	a positive impact on resolving inconsistencies. The key contributions
	of this thesis are: i) A unique perspective on the problems currently
	encountered during decision-making involving inconsistencies; ii)
	An approach that allows correct reasoning with SAT-Solvers in the
	presence of inconsistencies and automations to continue working without
	any adaptions; iii) An approach on how to determine the shortest
	path through a series of related decisions; iv) A basis for further
	research in general modeling scenarios; v) An extensive evaluation
	of the different aspects and techniques used in our approach.},
  file = {:PhD Theses\\2012 Alexander Nöhrer\\Nöhrer Alexander - Inconsistencies in Decision Modeling.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {FWF P21321},
  owner = {AK117794},
  timestamp = {2015.09.22}
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