Designing Strongly-decoupled Industry 4.0 Applications Across the Stack: A Use Case (bibtex)
by Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alois Zoitl, Georg Weichhart, Michael Mayrhofer, Alexander Egyed
Loose coupling of system components on all levels of automated production systems enables vital systems-of-systems properties such as simplified composition, variability, testing, reuse, maintenance, and adaptation. All these are crucial aspects needed to realize highly flexible and adaptable production systems. Based on traditional software architecture concepts, we describe in this chapter a use case of how message-based communication and appropriate architectural styles can help to realize these properties. A building block is the capabilities that describe what production participants (machines, robots, humans, logistics) are able to do. Capabilities are applied at all levels in our use case: describing the production process, describing machines, transport logistics, down to capabilities of the various functional units within a machine or robot. Based on this use case, this chapter aims to show how such a system can be designed to achieve loosely coupling and what example technologies and methodologies can be applied on the different levels.
Designing Strongly-decoupled Industry 4.0 Applications Across the Stack: A Use Case (Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alois Zoitl, Georg Weichhart, Michael Mayrhofer, Alexander Egyed), Chapter in (Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Manuel Wimmer, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Christoph Mayr-Dorn and Zoitl, Alois and Weichhart, Georg and Michael Mayrhofer and Alexander Egyed},
  editor    = {Vogel-Heuser, Birgit and Wimmer, Manuel},
  pages     = {33--64},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  title     = {Designing Strongly-decoupled Industry 4.0 Applications Across the Stack: A Use Case},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  isbn      = {978-3-662-65004-2},
  abstract  = {Loose coupling of system components on all levels of automated production systems enables vital systems-of-systems properties such as simplified composition, variability, testing, reuse, maintenance, and adaptation. All these are crucial aspects needed to realize highly flexible and adaptable production systems. Based on traditional software architecture concepts, we describe in this chapter a use case of how message-based communication and appropriate architectural styles can help to realize these properties. A building block is the capabilities that describe what production participants (machines, robots, humans, logistics) are able to do. Capabilities are applied at all levels in our use case: describing the production process, describing machines, transport logistics, down to capabilities of the various functional units within a machine or robot. Based on this use case, this chapter aims to show how such a system can be designed to achieve loosely coupling and what example technologies and methodologies can be applied on the different levels.},
  booktitle = {Digital Transformation: Core Technologies and Emerging Topics from a Computer Science Perspective},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-662-65004-2_2},
  url       = {},
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