Tailoring a COTS Group Support System for Software Requirements Inspection (bibtex)
by Michael Halling, Paul Grünbacher, Stefan Biffl
The inspection of early life-cycle artifacts such as requirements documents promises great benefits. However, research demonstrates that the inspection process is complex and expensive and that tool support would be highly desirable. Existing inspection tools focus largely on the inspection of source code. We have therefore devised groupware support for inspecting requirements. Based on our experience with adopting a Group Support System (GSS) for requirements negotiation we decided to tailor this commercial GSS to support inspection of requirements. This paper discusses our concept of a Groupware-supported Requirements Inspection Process (GRIP) and shows that tailoring a COTS GSS works well to automate this process.
Tailoring a COTS Group Support System for Software Requirements Inspection (Michael Halling, Paul Grünbacher, Stefan Biffl), In Proceedings 16th IEEE Int'l Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2001), 26-29 November, Coronado Island, San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Michael Halling and Paul Grünbacher and Stefan Biffl},
  title = {Tailoring a COTS Group Support System for Software Requirements Inspection},
  booktitle = {Proceedings 16th IEEE Int'l Conference on Automated Software Engineering
	(ASE 2001), 26-29 November, Coronado Island, San Diego, CA, USA},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {201},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  abstract = {The inspection of early life-cycle artifacts such as requirements
	documents promises great benefits. However, research demonstrates
	that the inspection process is complex and expensive and that tool
	support would be highly desirable. Existing inspection tools focus
	largely on the inspection of source code. We have therefore devised
	groupware support for inspecting requirements. Based on our experience
	with adopting a Group Support System (GSS) for requirements negotiation
	we decided to tailor this commercial GSS to support inspection of
	requirements. This paper discusses our concept of a Groupware-supported
	Requirements Inspection Process (GRIP) and shows that tailoring a
	COTS GSS works well to automate this process.},
  doi = {10.1109/ASE.2001.989806},
  isbn = {0-7695-1426-X},
  researchr = {http://researchr.org/publication/HallinGB01}
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