Exploiting traceability uncertainty between software architectural models and extra-functional results (bibtex)
by Catia Trubiani, Achraf Ghabi, Alexander Egyed
Deriving extra-functional properties (e.g., performance, security, reliability) from software architectural models is the cornerstone of software development as it supports the designers with quantitative predictions of system qualities. However, the problem of interpreting results from quantitative analysis of extra-functional properties is still challenging because it is hard to understand how the analysis results (e.g., response time, data conffientiality, mean time to failure) trace back to the architectural model elements (i.e., software components, interactions among components, deployment nodes). The goal of this paper is to automate the traceability between software architectural models and extra-functional results, such as performance and security, by investigating the uncertainty while bridging these two domains. Our approach makes use of extra-functional patterns and antipatterns, such as performance antipatterns and security patterns, to deduce the logical consequences between the architectural elements and analysis results and automatically build a graph of traces, thus to identify the most critical causes of extra-functional aws. We developed a tool that jointly considers SOftware and Extra-Functional concepts (SoEfTraceAnalyzer), and it automatically builds model-to-results traceability links. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of our automated and tool supported approach on three case studies, i.e., two academic research projects and one industrial system.
Exploiting traceability uncertainty between software architectural models and extra-functional results (Catia Trubiani, Achraf Ghabi, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 125, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Catia Trubiani and Achraf Ghabi and Alexander Egyed},
  title     = {Exploiting traceability uncertainty between software architectural models and extra-functional results},
  journal   = {Journal of Systems and Software},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {125},
  pages     = {15--34},
  abstract  = {Deriving extra-functional properties (e.g., performance, security,
	reliability) from software architectural models is the cornerstone
	of software development as it supports the designers with quantitative
	predictions of system qualities. However, the problem of interpreting
	results from quantitative analysis of extra-functional properties
	is still challenging because it is hard to understand how the analysis
	results (e.g., response time, data conffientiality, mean time to failure)
	trace back to the architectural model elements (i.e., software components,
	interactions among components, deployment nodes). The goal of this
	paper is to automate the traceability between software architectural
	models and extra-functional results, such as performance and security,
	by investigating the uncertainty while bridging these two domains.
	Our approach makes use of extra-functional patterns and antipatterns,
	such as performance antipatterns and security patterns, to deduce
	the logical consequences between the architectural elements and analysis
	results and automatically build a graph of traces, thus to identify
	the most critical causes of extra-functional aws. We developed a
	tool that jointly considers SOftware and Extra-Functional concepts
	(SoEfTraceAnalyzer), and it automatically builds model-to-results
	traceability links. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of our
	automated and tool supported approach on three case studies, i.e.,
	two academic research projects and one industrial system.},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org},
  biburl    = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/jss/TrubianiGE17},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.jss.2016.11.032},
  file      = {:Journals\\JSS 2017 - Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty between Architecture and Extra-Functional Results\\Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty between Architecture and Extra-Functional Results-preprint.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {},
  timestamp = {Sun, 28 May 2017 13:21:58 +0200},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2016.11.032},
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