Test2Feature: feature-based test traceability tool for highly configurable software (bibtex)
by Willian D. F. Mendonça, Silvia R. Vergilio, Gabriela K. Michelon, Alexander Egyed, Wesley K. G. Assunção
To ensure the quality of Highly Configurable Software (HCS) in an evolution and maintenance scenario is a challenging task. As HCSs evolve, new features are added, changed, or removed, which hampers the selection and evolution of test cases. The use of test traceability reports can help in this task, but there is a lack of studies addressing HCS test-to-feature traceability. Existing work usually are based on the variability model, which is not always available or updated. Some tools only link test cases to code lines. Considering this gap, this paper introduces Test2Feature, a tool that traces test cases to features using the source code of annotated HCSs, written in C/C++. The tool produces the following outputs: the code lines that correspond to each feature, the lines that correspond to each test case, and the test cases that are linked to each feature. Test2Feature is based only on the static analysis of the code. The traceability report produced can be used to ease different tasks related, for instance, to regression testing, feature management, and HCS evolution and maintenance.
Test2Feature: feature-based test traceability tool for highly configurable software (Willian D. F. Mendonça, Silvia R. Vergilio, Gabriela K. Michelon, Alexander Egyed, Wesley K. G. Assunção), In SPLC '22: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Graz, Austria, September 12 - 16, 2022, Volume B (Alexander Felfernig, Lidia Fuentes, Jane Cleland-Huang, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Clément Quinton, Jianmei Guo, Klaus Schmid, Marianne Huchard, Inmaculada Ayala, José Miguel Rojas, Viet-Man Le, José Miguel Horcas, eds.), ACM, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
  author     = {Willian D. F. Mendonça and Silvia R. Vergilio and Gabriela K. Michelon and Alexander Egyed and Wesley K. G. Assunção},
  booktitle  = {{SPLC} '22: 26th {ACM} International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Graz, Austria, September 12 - 16, 2022, Volume {B}},
  title      = {Test2Feature: feature-based test traceability tool for highly configurable software},
  year       = {2022},
  editor     = {Alexander Felfernig and Lidia Fuentes and Jane Cleland-Huang and Wesley K. G. Assunção and Cl{\'{e}}ment Quinton and Jianmei Guo and Klaus Schmid and Marianne Huchard and Inmaculada Ayala and Jos{\'{e}} Miguel Rojas and Viet{-}Man Le and Jos{\'{e}} Miguel Horcas},
  pages      = {62--65},
  publisher  = {{ACM}},
  abstract   = {To ensure the quality of Highly Configurable Software (HCS) in an evolution and maintenance scenario is a challenging task. As HCSs evolve, new features are added, changed, or removed, which hampers the selection and evolution of test cases. The use of test traceability reports can help in this task, but there is a lack of studies addressing HCS test-to-feature traceability. Existing work usually are based on the variability model, which is not always available or updated. Some tools only link test cases to code lines. Considering this gap, this paper introduces Test2Feature, a tool that traces test cases to features using the source code of annotated HCSs, written in C/C++. The tool produces the following outputs: the code lines that correspond to each feature, the lines that correspond to each test case, and the test cases that are linked to each feature. Test2Feature is based only on the static analysis of the code. The traceability report produced can be used to ease different tasks related, for instance, to regression testing, feature management, and HCS evolution and maintenance.},
  bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3503229.3547031},
  doi        = {10.1145/3503229.3547031},
  keywords   = {LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab},
  url        = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3503229.3547031},
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