Cross-layer modeler: a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking. (bibtex)
by Andreas Demuth, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed
Model-driven engineering has become a popular methodology in software engineering. Most available modeling tools support the creation of models based on a fixed metamodel. Typically, tool users cannot change the metamodel to reflect domain changes or newly emerged requirements. As a consequence, an updated version of the tool with an evolved metamodel must be developed and models as well as constraints that ensure model consistency have to be co-evolved, often manually, to conform to the new metamodel. Both, tool evolution and the necessary co-evolutions, are time consuming and error prone tasks. Furthermore, common tools often restrict the number of metalevels that can be modeled and force modelers to use workarounds to express certain facts. To overcome these issues we present the Cross-Layer Modeler (XLM), a modeling tool that supports multilevel modeling and allows co-evolution of metamodels and models. The XLM automatically performs co-evolution of constraints and gives instant feedback about model consistency. We illustrate the novel modeling approach of our tool and discuss its main capabilities.
Cross-layer modeler: a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking. (Andreas Demuth, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Szeged, Hungary, ACM, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Andreas Demuth and Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon and Alexander Egyed},
  title     = {Cross-layer modeler: a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Szeged, Hungary},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {452-455},
  publisher = {ACM},
  abstract  = {Model-driven engineering has become a popular methodology in software
	engineering. Most available modeling tools support the creation of
	models based on a fixed metamodel. Typically, tool users cannot change
	the metamodel to reflect domain changes or newly emerged requirements.
	As a consequence, an updated version of the tool with an evolved
	metamodel must be developed and models as well as constraints that
	ensure model consistency have to be co-evolved, often manually, to
	conform to the new metamodel. Both, tool evolution and the necessary
	co-evolutions, are time consuming and error prone tasks. Furthermore,
	common tools often restrict the number of metalevels that can be
	modeled and force modelers to use workarounds to express certain
	facts. To overcome these issues we present the Cross-Layer Modeler
	(XLM), a modeling tool that supports multilevel modeling and allows
	co-evolution of metamodels and models. The XLM automatically performs
	co-evolution of constraints and gives instant feedback about model
	consistency. We illustrate the novel modeling approach of our tool
	and discuss its main capabilities.},
  doi       = {10.1145/2025113.2025189},
  file      = {:Conferences\\FSE 2011 - Cross-layer modeler a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking\\Cross-layer modeler a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking-preprint.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {FWF P21321, EU IEF 254965},
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