Experiences on Traceability and Consistency Checking across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company (bibtex)
by Andreas Demuth, Roland Kretschmer, Michael A. Tröls, Georgios Kanakis, Davy Maes, Alexander Egyed
Engineers continuously adapt systems to changing requirements, which is particularly then a challenge when different engineering domains come together. Since engineers of different domains use quite distinct engineering tools, consistent change propagation is essential. This paper discusses experiences with a leading company in the area of production automation in maintaining the consistency between electrical models and the corresponding software controller when both are subject to continuous change. This is complicated by the fact that these engineer use different kinds of tools to capture and maintain models and code.
Experiences on Traceability and Consistency Checking across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company (Andreas Demuth, Roland Kretschmer, Michael A. Tröls, Georgios Kanakis, Davy Maes, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of Fachtagung Software Engineering und Software Management (SE), Ulm, Germanyli, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Andreas Demuth and Roland Kretschmer and Michael A. Tröls and Georgios Kanakis and Davy Maes and Alexander Egyed},
  title     = {Experiences on Traceability and Consistency Checking across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Fachtagung Software Engineering und Software Management (SE), Ulm, Germanyli},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {139--140},
  abstract  = {Engineers continuously adapt systems to changing requirements, which
	is particularly then a challenge when different engineering domains
	come together. Since engineers of different domains use quite distinct
	engineering tools, consistent change propagation is essential. This
	paper discusses experiences with a leading company in the area of
	production automation in maintaining the consistency between electrical
	models and the corresponding software controller when both are subject
	to continuous change. This is complicated by the fact that these
	engineer use different kinds of tools to capture and maintain models
	and code.},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/conf/se/DemuthKTKME18},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/se/2018},
  file      = {:Conferences\\SE 2018 - Experiences on Traceability and Consistency Checking in a Company\\Experiences on Traceability and Consistency Checking across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company-preprint.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {FWF P25289, LCM, LIT CEME},
  owner     = {aegyed},
  timestamp = {Wed, 18 Apr 2018 11:33:53 +0200},
  url       = {https://dl.gi.de/20.500.12116/16334},
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