Supporting Consistency Checking between Features and Software Product Line Use Scenarios. (bibtex)
by Mauricio Alferez, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Ana Moreira, Vasco Amaral, Alexander Egyed
A key aspect for effective variability modeling of Software Product Lines (SPL) is to harmonize the need to achieve separation of concerns with the need to satisfy consistency of requirements and constraints. Techniques for variability modeling such as feature models used together with use scenarios help to achieve separation of stakeholders concerns but ensuring their joint consistency is largely unsupported. Therefore, inconsistent assumptions about system expected use scenarios and the way in which they vary according to the presence or absence of features reduce the models usefulness and possibly renders invalid SPL systems. In this paper we propose an approach to check consistency the verification of semantic relationships among the models between features and use scenarios that realize them. The novelty of this approach is that it is specially tailored for the SPL domain and considers complex composition situations where the customization of use scenarios for specific products depends on the presence or absence of sets of features. We illustrate our approach and supporting tools using variant constructs that specify how the inclusion of sets of variable features (that refer to uncommon requirements between products of a SPL) adapt use scenarios related to other features.
Supporting Consistency Checking between Features and Software Product Line Use Scenarios. (Mauricio Alferez, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Ana Moreira, Vasco Amaral, Alexander Egyed), In Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2011), Pohang, Korea (Klaus Schmid, ed.), Springer, volume 6727, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Mauricio Alferez and Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon and Ana Moreira and Vasco Amaral and Alexander Egyed},
  title     = {Supporting Consistency Checking between Features and Software Product Line Use Scenarios.},
  booktitle = {Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2011), Pohang, Korea},
  year      = {2011},
  editor    = {Klaus Schmid},
  volume    = {6727},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages     = {20-35},
  publisher = {Springer},
  abstract  = {A key aspect for effective variability modeling of Software Product
	Lines (SPL) is to harmonize the need to achieve separation of concerns
	with the need to satisfy consistency of requirements and constraints.
	Techniques for variability modeling such as feature models used together
	with use scenarios help to achieve separation of stakeholders
	concerns but ensuring their joint consistency is largely unsupported.
	Therefore, inconsistent assumptions about system expected use
	scenarios and the way in which they vary according to the presence
	or absence of features reduce the models usefulness and possibly
	renders invalid SPL systems. In this paper we propose an approach
	to check consistency the verification of semantic relationships among
	the models between features and use scenarios that realize them.
	The novelty of this approach is that it is specially tailored for
	the SPL domain and considers complex composition situations where
	the customization of use scenarios for specific products depends
	on the presence or absence of sets of features. We illustrate our
	approach and supporting tools using variant constructs that specify
	how the inclusion of sets of variable features (that refer to uncommon
	requirements between products of a SPL) adapt use scenarios related
	to other features.},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-21347-2_3},
  file      = {:Conferences\\ICSR 2011 - Supporting Consistency Checking between Features and Software Product Line Use Scenarios\\Supporting Consistency Checking between Features and Software Product Line Use Scenarios-preprint.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {FWF P21321, EU IEF 254965},
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