A Variability Aware Configuration Management and Revision Control Platform (bibtex)
by Lukas Linsbauer, Alexander Egyed, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon
Modern systems need to run in many different contexts like hardware and software platforms or environmental conditions. Additionally different customers might have slightly different requirements towards systems. Therefore software systems need to be highly configurable and provide variable sets of features for different customers. There are various approaches to developing and managing such systems, like ad-hoc clone-and-own approaches or structured software product line approaches for each of which again several different techniques and tools exist to support them. While the different approaches come with advantages they also have several disadvantages and shortcomings. Some work only with specific implementation artifacts (e.g. source code but not models) and others exist only as plugins for specific IDEs which makes them intrusive or even unusable in some development environments. In our work we present a development process and tools for managing and engineering of highly configurable and variable systems that is generic, incremental, exible and intuitive. We evaluated our approach on several case study systems from various different domains and origins like open source, academ
A Variability Aware Configuration Management and Revision Control Platform (Lukas Linsbauer, Alexander Egyed, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon), In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016) Austin, TX, USA, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Lukas Linsbauer and Alexander Egyed and Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon},
  title     = {A Variability Aware Configuration Management and Revision Control Platform},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016) Austin, TX, USA},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {803--806},
  abstract  = {Modern systems need to run in many different contexts like hardware
	and software platforms or environmental conditions. Additionally
	different customers might have slightly different requirements towards
	systems. Therefore software systems need to be highly configurable
	and provide variable sets of features for different customers. There
	are various approaches to developing and managing such systems, like
	ad-hoc clone-and-own approaches or structured software product line
	approaches for each of which again several different techniques and
	tools exist to support them. While the different approaches come
	with advantages they also have several disadvantages and shortcomings.
	Some work only with specific implementation artifacts (e.g. source
	code but not models) and others exist only as plugins for specific
	IDEs which makes them intrusive or even unusable in some development
	environments. In our work we present a development process and tools
	for managing and engineering of highly configurable and variable
	systems that is generic, incremental, exible and intuitive. We evaluated
	our approach on several case study systems from various different
	domains and origins like open source, academ},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org},
  biburl    = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/icse/LinsbauerEL25},
  doi       = {10.1145/2889160.2889262},
  file      = {:Conferences\\ICSE DS 2016 - A variability aware configuration management and revision control platform\\A variability aware configuration management and revision control platform-preprint.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {FWF P25289, FWF P25513},
  timestamp = {Tue, 17 May 2016 10:01:31 +0200},
  url       = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2889160.2889262},
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