by Christoph Dorn, Alexander Egyed
Software engineering activities tend to be loosely coupled to allow for flexibly reacting to unforeseen development complexity, requirements changes, and progress delays. This flexibility comes a the price of hidden dependencies among design and code artifacts that make it difficult or even impossible to assess change impact. Incorrect change propagation subsequently results in costly errors. This position paper proposes a novel approach based on monitoring engineering activities for subsequent high-level pattern detection. Patterns of (i) collaboration structures, (ii) temporal action sequences, and (iii) artifact consistency constraints serve as input to recommendation and automatic reconfiguration algorithms for ultimately avoiding and correcting artifact inconsistencies. Index Terms—monitoring, pattern detection, software engineering, recommendation, collaboration structures
Towards collaboration-centric pattern-based software development support (Christoph Dorn, Alexander Egyed), 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Christoph Dorn and Alexander Egyed},
title = {Towards collaboration-centric pattern-based software development support},
booktitle = {Proceeding of the 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, (CHASE 2013), San Francisco, USA},
year = {2013},
pages = {109--112},
abstract = {Software engineering activities tend to be loosely coupled to allow
for flexibly reacting to unforeseen development complexity, requirements
changes, and progress delays. This flexibility comes a the price
of hidden dependencies among design and code artifacts that make
it difficult or even impossible to assess change impact. Incorrect
change propagation subsequently results in costly errors. This position
paper proposes a novel approach based on monitoring engineering activities
for subsequent high-level pattern detection. Patterns of (i) collaboration
structures, (ii) temporal action sequences, and (iii) artifact consistency
constraints serve as input to recommendation and automatic reconfiguration
algorithms for ultimately avoiding and correcting artifact inconsistencies.
Index Terms—monitoring, pattern detection, software engineering,
recommendation, collaboration structures},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
biburl = {},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/icse/2013chase},
doi = {10.1109/CHASE.2013.6614743},
file = {:Workshops\\CHASE 2013 - Towards Collaboration-Centric Pattern-Based Software Development Support\\Towards Collaboration-Centric Pattern-Based Software Development Support-preprint.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {FWF J3068},
timestamp = {Tue, 23 May 2017 01:11:37 +0200},
url = {},