Early and Systematic Validation of Formal Models (bibtex)
by Sebastian Stock
Verification and validation are equally important when creating and reasoning about formal models. Verification focuses on the consistency of a model, while validation answers whether a model appropriately represents the requirements. However, compared to verification, validation remains underrepresented in modeling activities, and one of the reasons for this underrepresentation is that the modeler postpones the validation till the end of the modeling process leading to the late discovery of mistakes. Countering this, we present a framework that integrates validation early and tightly in the modeling process.
Early and Systematic Validation of Formal Models (Sebastian Stock), In Formal Methods and Software Engineering (Yi Li, Sofiène Tahar, eds.), Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Sebastian Stock},
  booktitle = {Formal Methods and Software Engineering},
  title     = {Early and Systematic Validation of Formal Models},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {Singapore},
  editor    = {Li, Yi and Tahar, Sofi{\`e}ne},
  pages     = {255--260},
  publisher = {Springer Nature Singapore},
  abstract  = {Verification and validation are equally important when creating and reasoning about formal models. Verification focuses on the consistency of a model, while validation answers whether a model appropriately represents the requirements. However, compared to verification, validation remains underrepresented in modeling activities, and one of the reasons for this underrepresentation is that the modeler postpones the validation till the end of the modeling process leading to the late discovery of mistakes. Countering this, we present a framework that integrates validation early and tightly in the modeling process.},
  isbn      = {978-981-99-7584-6},
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