Points-To Analysis of IEC 61131-3 Programs: Implementation and Application (bibtex)
by Florian Angerer, Herbert Prähofer, Rudolf Ramler, Friedrich Grillenberger
Points-To Analysis of IEC 61131-3 Programs: Implementation and Application (Florian Angerer, Herbert Prähofer, Rudolf Ramler, Friedrich Grillenberger), In Proceedings 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Points-To Analysis of IEC 61131-3 Programs: Implementation and Application},
  Author                   = {Angerer, Florian and Prähofer, Herbert and Ramler, Rudolf and Grillenberger, Friedrich},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies \& Factory Automation},
  Year                     = {2013},
  Address                  = {Cagliari, Italia},
  Pages                    = {1-8},
  Doi                      = {10.1109/ETFA.2013.6648062},
  Keywords                 = {CD Lab MEVSS}
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