Publications in /owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/isse.bib;/owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/issemevss.bib - page 4 [rss]
[627] International Workshop on Variability Management for Modern Technologies (VM4ModernTech 2022) (Jacob Krüger, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Inmaculada Ayala, Sébastien Mosser), (Alexander Felfernig, Lidia Fuentes, Jane Cleland-Huang, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Andreas A. Falkner, Maider Azanza, Miguel Á. Rodríguez Luaces, Megha Bhushan, Laura Semini, Xavier Devroey, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner, Christoph Seidl, Viet-Man Le, José Miguel Horcas, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[626] Fifth International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2022) (Sandra Greiner, Kristof Meixner, Gabriela K. Michelon, Philippe Collet), (Alexander Felfernig, Lidia Fuentes, Jane Cleland-Huang, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Andreas A. Falkner, Maider Azanza, Miguel Á. Rodríguez Luaces, Megha Bhushan, Laura Semini, Xavier Devroey, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner, Christoph Seidl, Viet-Man Le, José Miguel Horcas, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[625] SPLC '22: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Graz, Austria, September 12 - 16, 2022, Volume B, (Alexander Felfernig, Lidia Fuentes, Jane Cleland-Huang, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Clément Quinton, Jianmei Guo, Klaus Schmid, Marianne Huchard, Inmaculada Ayala, José Miguel Rojas, Viet-Man Le, José Miguel Horcas, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[624] SPLC '22: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Graz, Austria, September 12 - 16, 2022, Volume A, (Alexander Felfernig, Lidia Fuentes, Jane Cleland-Huang, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Andreas A. Falkner, Maider Azanza, Miguel Á. Rodríguez Luaces, Megha Bhushan, Laura Semini, Xavier Devroey, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner, Christoph Seidl, Viet-Man Le, José Miguel Horcas, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[623] Reactive links across multi-domain engineering models (Cosmina Cristina Ratiu, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Rainer Haas, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 23-28, 2022 (Eugene Syriani, Houari A. Sahraoui, Nelly Bencomo, Manuel Wimmer, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[622] Editing support for software languages: implementation practices in language server protocols (Djonathan Barros, Sven Peldszus, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Thorsten Berger), In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 23-28, 2022 (Eugene Syriani, Houari A. Sahraoui, Nelly Bencomo, Manuel Wimmer, eds.), ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[621] Using Consensual Biterms from Text Structures of Requirements and Code to Improve IR-Based Traceability Recovery (Hui Gao, Hongyu Kuang, Kexin Sun, Xiaoxing Ma, Alexander Egyed, Patrick Mäder, Guoping Rong, Dong Shao, He Zhang), In 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2022, Rochester, MI, USA, October 10-14, 2022, ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[620] Scalable Sampling of Highly-Configurable Systems: Generating Random Instances of the Linux Kernel (David Fernández-Amorós, Ruben Heradio, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alexander Egyed), In 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Rochester, MI, USA, ACM, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[619] Trace Refinement in B and Event-B (Sebastian Stock, Atif Mashkoor, Michael Leuschel, Alexander Egyed), In Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 23rd International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2022, Madrid, Spain, October 24-27, 2022, Proceedings (Adrián Riesco, Min Zhang, eds.), Springer, volume 13478, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[618] Application of Validation Obligations to Security Concerns (Sebastian Stock, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed), In Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops - 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22-24, 2022, Proceedings (Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil, Bernhard Moser, Alfred Taudes, Atif Mashkoor, Johannes Sametinger, Jorge Martínez Gil, Florian Sobieczky, Lukas Fischer, Rudolf Ramler, Maqbool Khan, Gerald Czech, eds.), Springer, volume 1633, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[617] Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops - 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22-24, 2022, Proceedings, (Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil, Bernhard Moser, Alfred Taudes, Atif Mashkoor, Johannes Sametinger, Jorge Martínez Gil, Florian Sobieczky, Lukas Fischer, Rudolf Ramler, Maqbool Khan, Gerald Czech, eds.), Springer, volume 1633, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[616] On the Influential Interactive Factors on Degrees of Design Decay: A Multi-Project Study (Daniel Coutinho, Anderson Uchôa, Caio Barbosa, Vinícius Soares, Alessandro Garcia, Marcelo Schots, Juliana Pereira, Wesley K. G. Assunção), 2022. [bib] [doi]
[615] Evaluating PDDL for programming production cells: a case study (Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alexander Egyed, Mario Winterer, Christian Salomon, Harald Furschuss), IEEE Computer Society, volume , 2022. [bib] [doi]
[614] Analysis of a many-objective optimization approach for identifying microservices from legacy systems (Wesley K. G. Assunção, Thelma Elita Colanzi, Luiz Carvalho, Alessandro Garcia, Juliana Pereira Alves, Maria Julia de Lima, Carlos Lucena), In Empirical Software Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, volume 27, 2022. [bib] [doi]
[613] Do Communities in Developer Interaction Networks align with Subsystem Developer Teams? An Empirical Study of Open Source Systems (Usman Ashraf, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed, Sebastiano Panichella), In 2021 2021 IEEE/ACM Joint 15th International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP) and 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) (ICGSE-ICSSP), IEEE Computer Society, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[612] TaskAllocator: A Recommendation Approach for Role-based Tasks Allocation in Agile Software Development (Saad Shafiq, Atif Mashkoor, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alexander Egyed), In 2021 2021 IEEE/ACM Joint 15th International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP) and 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) (ICGSE-ICSSP), IEEE Computer Society, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[611] Guiding engineers with the Passive Process Engine Environment (Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Stefan Bichler, Felix Keplinger, Alexander Egyed), In 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion), IEEE Computer Society, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[610] Inconsistency-tolerating guidance for software engineering processes (Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Roland Kretschmer, Alexander Egyed, Ruben Heradio, David Fernández-Amorós), In 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE-NIER), IEEE Computer Society, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[609] Instant distribution of consistency-relevant change information in a hierarchical multi-developer engineering environment (Michael A. Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed), In SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, March 22-26, 2021 (Chih-Cheng Hung, Jiman Hong, Alessio Bechini, Eunjee Song, eds.), ACM, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[608] Hierarchical Distribution of Consistency-relevant Changes in a Collaborative Engineering Environment (Michael A. Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed), In 15th IEEE/ACM Joint International Conference on Software and System Processes, and 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering ICSSP/ICGSE 2021, Madrid, Spain, May 17-19, 2021, IEEE, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[607] Timestamp-based Consistency Checking of Collaboratively Developed Engineering Artifacts (Michael A. Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed), In 15th IEEE/ACM Joint International Conference on Software and System Processes, and 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering ICSSP/ICGSE 2021, Madrid, Spain, May 17-19, 2021, IEEE, 2021. [bib] [doi]
[606] Team-Oriented Consistency Checking of Heterogeneous Engineering Artifacts (Michael A. Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed), In 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, ICSE Companion 2021, Madrid, Spain, May 25-28, 2021, IEEE, 2021. [bib] [doi]
[605] Ensuring safe and consistent coengineering of cyber-physical production systems: A case study (Michael A. Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Andreas Demuth, Alexander Egyed), In J. Softw. Evol. Process., volume 33, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[604] Probalistic Software Modeling (Hannes Thaller), PhD thesis, , 2021. [bib]
[603] NLP4IP: Natural Language Processing-based Recommendation Approach for Issues Prioritization (Saad Shafiq, Atif Mashkoor, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alexander Egyed), In 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2021, Palermo, Italy, September 1-3, 2021 (Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Giuseppe Scanniello, Amund Skavhaug, eds.), IEEE, 2021. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
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