Publications in /owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/isse.bib;/owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/issemevss.bib - page 16 [rss]
[327] Bridging the Gap between Software Variability and System Variant Management: Experiences from an Industrial Machinery Product Line (Stefan Fischer, Lukas Linsbauer, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed, Rudolf Ramler), In Proceedings of the 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, (EUROMICRO-SEAA 2015), Madeira, Portugal, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[326] Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty Between Software Architectural Models and Performance Analysis Results (Catia Trubiani, Achraf Ghabi, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the Software Architecture - 9th European Conference, (ECSA 2015), Dubrovnik/Cavtat, Croatia, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[325] Towards Flexible and Efficient Process and Workflow Support in Enterprise Modeling (Andreas Demuth, Markus Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Roland Kretschmer, Peter Hehenberger, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Egyed), 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[324] Detecting Invalid Choices in Merged Code and Software Models (Matthias Braun), Master's thesis, Johannes Kepler University, 2015. [bib]
[323] Efficient Rebuilding of Large Java Heaps From Event Traces (Verena Bitto, Philipp Lengauer, Hanspeter Mössenböck), In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[322] What is a Feature? A Qualitative Study of Features in Industrial Software Product Lines (Thorsten Berger, Daniela Lettner, Julia Rubin, Paul Grünbacher, Adeline Silva, Martin Becker, Marsha Chechik, Krzysztof Czarnecki), In Proceedings 19th International Software Product Line Conference, ACM, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[321] Configuration-Aware Change Impact Analysis (Florian Angerer, Andreas Grimmer, Herbert Prähofer, Paul Grünbacher), In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[320] SPLTea 2015: Second International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching (Mathieu Acher, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Rick Rabiser), 2015. [bib] [doi]
[319] Consistency Checking in Early Software Product Line Specifications - The VCC Approach (Mauricio Alferez, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Ana Moreira, Vasco Amaral, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), volume 20, 2014. [bib] [pdf]
[318] A Requirements Monitoring Infrastructure for Systems of Systems (Michael Vierhauser), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[317] A Case Study on Testing, Commissioning, and Operation of Very-Large-Scale Software Systems (Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher), In Proceedings 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), 2014. [bib] [doi]
[316] Modeling Multiplicity and Hierarchy in Product Line Architectures: Extending a Decision-Oriented Approach (Deepak Dhungana, Herwig Schreiner, Martin Lehofer, Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[315] A Requirements Monitoring Infrastructure for Very-Large-Scale Software Systems (Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher), In Proceedings 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2014), Springer International Publishing, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[314] A Flexible Framework for Runtime Monitoring of System-of-Systems Architectures (Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher, Christian Danner, Stefan Wallner, Helmut Zeisel), In Proceedings 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014), 2014. [bib] [doi]
[313] Supporting Multiplicity and Hierarchy in Model-based Configuration: Experiences and Lessons Learned (Rick Rabiser, Michael Vierhauser, Paul Grünbacher, Deepak Dhungana, Herwig Schreiner, Martin Lehofer), In Proceedings 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014), Springer International Publishing, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[312] Configuring and Generating Technical Documents (Rick Rabiser, Michael Vierhauser, Martin Lehofer, Paul Grünbacher, Tomi Männistö), Morgan Kaufmann, Boston, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[311] Behavioral Model Synthesis of PLC Programs from Execution Traces (Herbert Prähofer, Roland Schatz, Andreas Grimmer), In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[310] Using Interactions to Validate Executing State Machines (Philipp Mitterer), Master's thesis, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria, 2014. [bib] [pdf]
[309] Recovering Feature-to-Code Mappings in Mixed-Variability Software Systems (Lukas Linsbauer, Florian Angerer, Paul Grünbacher, Daniela Lettner, Herbert Prähofer, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[308] Feature Model Synthesis with Genetic Programming (Lukas Linsbauer, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the Search-Based Software Engineering - 6th International Symposium, (SSBSE 2014), Fortaleza, Brazil (Claire Le Goues, Shin Yoo, eds.), Springer, volume 8636, 2014. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[307] Improving Developer Awareness of Evolution in Software Ecosystems (Daniela Lettner), 2014. [bib]
[306] Software Evolution in an Industrial Automation Ecosystem: An Exploratory Study (Daniela Lettner, Florian Angerer, Paul Grünbacher, Herbert Prähofer), In Proceedings International Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2014), 2014. [bib] [doi]
[305] A Case Study on Software Ecosystem Characteristics in Industrial Automation Software (Daniela Lettner, Florian Angerer, Herbert Prähofer, Paul Grünbacher), In Proceedings International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP 2014), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[304] The Taming of the Shrew: Increasing Performance by Automatic Parameter Tuning for Java Garbage Collectors (Philipp Lengauer, Hanspeter Mössenböck), In Proceedings 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2014), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014. [bib] [doi]
[303] Where Has All My Memory Gone?: Determining Memory Characteristics of Product Variants using Virtual-Machine-Level Monitoring (Philipp Lengauer, Verena Bitto, Florian Angerer, Paul Grünbacher, Hanspeter Mössenböck), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014. [bib] [doi]
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