Publications in /owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/isse.bib;/owncloud/aegyed/files/Publications/issemevss.bib - page 15 [rss]
[352] Accurate and Efficient Object Tracing for Java Applications (Philipp Lengauer, Verena Bitto, Hanspeter Mössenböck), In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[351] Efficient Dynamic Analysis of the Synchronization Performance of Java Applications (Peter Hofer, David Gnedt, Hanspeter Mössenböck), 2015. [bib] [doi]
[350] Sampling-based Steal Time Accounting under Hardware Virtualization (Peter Hofer, Florian Hörschläger, Hanspeter Mössenböck), In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[349] Lightweight Java Profiling with Partial Safepoints and Incremental Stack Tracing (Peter Hofer, David Gnedt, Hanspeter Mössenböck), In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Engineering, ACM,New York, NY, USA, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[348] Runtime Traceability Challenges in Systems of Systems, In: Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 15162 (Software and Systems Traceability for Safety-Critical Projects) (Paul Grünbacher), (Sanjai Rayadurgam Patrick Mäder Jane Cleland-Huang, Wilhelm Schäfer, eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2015. [bib]
[347] Elicitation and Validation of Requirements-to-Code Traceability (Achraf Ghabi), PhD thesis, Johannes Kepler University, 2015. [bib]
[346] Evaluierung von Persistierungstechnologien fï¿œr den DesignSpace (Martin Gangl), Master's thesis, Johannes Kepler University, 2015. [bib]
[345] Supporting Distributed Product Configuration by Integrating Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches (José A. Galindo, Deepak Dhungana, Rick Rabiser, David Benavides, Goetz Botterweck, Paul Grünbacher), In Information and Software Technology, volume 62, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[344] Automated Generation of Product Variants in Mechanical Engineering (Melanie Donabauer), 2015. [bib] [pdf]
[343] DesignSpace - An Infrastructure for Multi-User/Multi-Tool Engineering (Andreas Demuth, Markus Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Alexander Nöhrer, Peter Hehenberger, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Egyed), In SAC, 2015. [bib] [pdf]
[342] Constraint-Driven Modeling through Transformation (Andreas Demuth, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Software and System Modeling, volume 14, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[341] Can Method Data Dependencies support the Assessment of Traceability between Requirements and Source Code? (Hongyu Kuang, Patrick Mäder, Hao Hu, Achraf Ghabi, LiGuo Huang, Jian Lu, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, volume 27, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[340] Applying Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms to Dynamic Software Product Lines for Reconfiguring Mobile Applications (Gustavo G. Pascual, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Mónica Pinto, Lidia Fuentes, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 103, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[339] An Assessment of Search-Based Techniques for Reverse Engineering Feature Models (Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, José A. Galindo, José Antonio Parejo, David Benavides, Sergio Segura, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 103, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[338] Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty among Artifacts and Code (Achraf Ghabi, Alexander Egyed), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 108, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[337] A Systematic Mapping Study of Search-Based Software Engineering for Software Product Lines (Roberto E. Lopez Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, Alexander Egyed), In Information & Software Technology, volume 61, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[336] Do Developers Benefit from Requirements Traceability when Evolving and Maintaining a Software System? (Patrick Mäder, Alexander Egyed), In Empirical Software Engineering, volume 20, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[335] Variability and consistency in mechatronic design (Daniela Lettner, Peter Hehenberger, Alexander Nöhrer, Klaus Anzengruber, Paul Grünbacher, Michael Mayrhofer, Alexander Egyed), In Concurrent Engineering: R&A, volume 23, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[334] Towards Safe Model Transformation for Constraint-driven Modeling (Andreas Demuth, Markus Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (MoDeVVa@MoDELS 2015), Ottawa, Canada, 2015. [bib] [pdf]
[333] Developing a DSL-Based Approach for Event-Based Monitoring of Systems of Systems: Experiences and Lessons Learned (E) (Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed), In 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2015, Lincoln, NE, USA, November 9-13, 2015, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[332] A First Systematic Mapping Study on Combinatorial Interaction Testing for Software Product Lines (Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Stefan Fischer, Rudolf Ramler, Alexander Egyed), 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[331] Using Traceability for Incremental Construction and Evolution of Software Product Portfolios (Lukas Linsbauer, Stefan Fischer, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Software and Systems Traceability, (SST 2015), Florence, Italy, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[330] The ECCO Tool: Extraction and Composition for Clone-and-Own (Stefan Fischer, Lukas Linsbauer, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the 37th (IEEE/ACM) International Conference on Software Engineering, (ICSE 2015), Florence, Italy, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[329] Genetic Improvement for Software Product Lines: An Overview and a Roadmap (Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Stefan Fischer, Silvia R. Vergilio, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, (GECCO 2015), Madrid, Spain, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[328] Extracting Variability-Safe Feature Models from Source Code Dependencies in System Variants (Wesley K. G. Assunção, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, Silvia R. Vergilio, Alexander Egyed), In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, (GECCO 2015), Madrid, Spain, 2015. [bib] [pdf] [doi]
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